Employer Playbook
Modern Belonging Pt. II
Learn How Mental Health Stigma is Getting In the Way of Your DEIB Strategy

Belonging is not only a psychological need but a connection that empowers employees to show up authentically in the workplace, resulting in greater engagement, creativity, and productivity. Employees must feel they belong to thrive in their work environment. What if mental health stigma in your workplace is getting in the way?
This groundbreaking new playbook from Modern Health is your guide to implementing integrative, evidence-based strategies that address mental health stigma in your workplace, optimize employee belonging, and prioritize well-being.
Practical insights and tips in the Modern Belonging playbook will help you:
- Understand what mental health stigma is and how it impacts your employees
- Learn how stigma could be the barrier to employee belonging and well-being
- Identify resources available to build mental health into your organization’s people and diversity strategies
Get the Employer Playbook: